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Physics behind Sri Ramakrishna’s saying

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

Physics behind Sri Ramakrishna’s saying

In our life we begin from a confined or localized state and constantly look for liberation to attain a delocalized state. We all pass through three stages of confinement including attachment (which holds us stable), work (which induces us to a movement) and a strong attraction or repulsion (which creates resistance to the motion). All three stages are equally important for our stability as a combination of Sat-Chit-Ananda or Satchidananda. It creates a bound state like a vortex. By overcoming this bound state we reach an unbound or delocalized state. This is like a very quiet and blissful situation free from perturbation. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa explained this in the following text before modern science began.

Sri Ramakrishna was born in 1936 in a remote village and did not receive any formal training from school. In the same time period famous scientists including Lord Kelvin, Lord Raleigh, Ludwig Boltzmann and philosophers like Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, and Friedrich Nietzsche were born. James Clark Maxwell started publishing laws of electromagnetic fields showing the equivalence of electric and magnetic fields in 1860. In 1905, in his special theory of relativity Albert Einstein showed mass-energy equivalence. Quantum mechanics was developing in late ’20s and quantum tunneling was proposed in early ‘30s. Condensed m

atter physics started in ‘50s together with quantum theory of fields where dualism was introduced through the proposal of spontaneous symmetry breaking. However, dualism as well as non-dualism was accepted long before the development of modern science. Sri Ramakrishna often explained the equivalence of the source of energy and its effect and described the nature of God. I find a remarkable similarity between his sayings and the modern scientific concepts that was developed after his death in 1886 that is also followed today.

He says that one has to break the bonds at least twice so that this dissolution will be propagated like a chain reaction. The liberation is possible by a duality transformation which can be achieved through a mechanism called quantum tunneling. He explained the tunneling process as an observer through the superposition of states. Through the tunneling process we reach a macroscopic condensed state or a ground state from a localized or a vortex state.

This work is divided into three chapters highlighting

i) Understanding dualism and non-dualism to explain quantum tunneling

ii) Quantum spin liquid to vortex structure

iii) Condensed states.

In each section we bring a comparative study of ancient philosophy as Sri Ramakrishna said and modern concept in condensed matter physics. All these topics are entangled since dualism is believed to play as a force which transforms spin liquids into vortex structures. We try to unify these ideas as a general interpretation and show the application of the concept not only to interpret the newly experimentally observed transitions in novel superconducting materials.

Dualism and non-dualism:

According to ancient scriptures, initially all elements or states were entangled in a maximally chaotic state within a minimum volume. This is a state which can be completely filled and is absolutely static without any movement which is the core of a vortex. Due to entanglement, we cannot see different elements hidden in the small sphere which is called Bramhanda’. ‘‘Purusha’’ andMula Prakriti (Adyasakti or the primordial energy) are not manifested which live in the state of the highest level of energy and therefore can b

e massive. The outer layers with less energy may be manifested since they are always moving away from the core. We see light emitted from outer layers only unlike from the core of ‘Bramhanda’ unless it gets unfolded through a duality transformation. So we need to separate the energy or frequency scale by a duality transformation. In this way a static world can be transformed into a dynamic one.

Amongst all forms of dualism concepts used in physics, electric-magnetic duality is the most famous one where electric and magnetic fields(B) are related to the symmetry through the Faraday-Maxwell equations. The symmetry is known as duality which still holds in the presence of charge and currents in quantum field theory. To find such symmetry between electric and magnetic charges was difficult. Later Montonen and Olive found a symmetry that would exchange electric and magnetic charges must exchange the quantum of electric charge with a multiple of the quantum of magnetic charge.

Dualism theory can be tested through the experimental observation of quantum phase transitions in condensed states in superconducting materials which shows vortices. In condensed matter physics a flux-charge model is proposed from the dualistic view of the world like the particle-wave duality in quantum mechanics. Rotation of a charged particle can be described as a (magnetic) flux however it involves a mediator such as an attractive force to hold two completely opposite items together. However, the state of equilibrium can be destabilized due to a repulsive force and a vortex-like helical structure can be formed. The condensate again starts to regain the equilibrium through the formation of an anti-vortex.

This model was applied to condensed matter as vortex-boson duality. Vortex-antivortex interactions were shown through the Kosterlitz-Thoules transition in 1+1 dimensions however this is not firmly established in 3+1 or higher dimensions (2+1d is still being developed). It is generally suggested that a vortex interacts with an anti-vortex via a spin-wave fluctuation in a superfluid. The vortices act as sources and sinks of supercurrents and therefore supercurrents are no longer in the vortex condensate. Models claiming charge-vortex duality based on statistics Transmutation of electrons involving binding of electrons to magnetic fluxes or vortices was suggested in the frame of ‘anyon superconductivity. A formal duality transformation between particles and vortices forms a 2D Bose system might explain high-temperature superconductivity.

Ramakrishna explains: non-dualism

“According to this theory, Brahman or the Absolute, is qualified by the universe and its living beings. These three, Brahman, the world, and living beings, together constitute One. Take the instance of a pumpkin. A man wanted to know the weight of it. You cannot get the weight by weighing only the flesh. You must weigh the flesh, the shell, and the seeds together. At first, it appears the important thing is the flesh not its seeds or shell.”

“Brahman is not the Universe it is not the living beings … Then one realizes as with the pumpkin that the Reality from which we derive the notion of Brahman is the very Reality that evolves the idea of living beings and the universe. The absolute and manifestation are two aspects of one and the same Reality. Brahman is qualified by the universe and living beings. This is the theory of qualified non-dualism.”

“Without strength, only Shiva does not work. For example, there is no formation only in the soil, we want water but there is formation.”

"No one can say what (material) Sachchidananda is. So, he was the first - Ardhanarishvara! Why? - No, show that I am both male and nature. Then there will be one more stay, different men and different natures.”

“There is nothing but man and nature."

“He who is Shyama is Brahma. Brahma Shakti - Shakti Brahma. Unification. Sachchidanandamay and Sachchidanandamayi.”

“Whoever is Brahman is the omnipotent. A king said that I have to give wisdom in one word. The yogi said, ‘Well, you will get knowledge in one word.’ After a while, a magician suddenly appeared before the king. When he sees the king, he comes and turns only two fingers, and says - 'King, look at this.' The king is looking surprised. After a while, two fingers became a finger! The magician twists a finger and says - ‘King, look at this; King, look at this. ’That is, Brahman and Adyashakti (the primordial energy) are the first two senses. But if there is theology, there are no more two. Unification. One! That one doesn't have two! Advaitam."

Quantum Tunneling:

In tunnelling process mind is tunneling through the potential barrier (knowledge) and produces life. When a particle like the mind reaches the barrier it creates an antiparticle inside the barrier and they start interacting since on the other side of the barrier the same particle is formed as an image of the original particle. This particle and antiparticle interfere and produce an interference spectrum as observed in the tunnel spectra. This is like an inactive barrier of spinon on the condensate and the superfluid is supposed to overcome the resistance of the spinon by the field produced by the vortex. The body of spin bath is divided to pass through the tunnel current. In practice by applying a potential across the potential barrier (V) it is broken into V1V2V3… so that V=V1+V2+V3+V4 … As the current can pass through diff V1V2 etc. they unite on the other side of the barrier and recombine. So the incident wavefunction of the total potential barrier is divided in the process. Now the wave can change its phase in the barrier. This is like a flip of spin or self-spin.

Mechanism or principle of tunneling includes:

(i) no return of particle

(ii) the particle can cease to exist if the tunneling does not work

(iii) the particle does not hesitate to tunnel. It is free from fear.

(iv) it can face uncertainty

(v) it makes the maximum effort before jumping

(vi) the probability of success must be maximize i.e. it will take a minimum time to tunnel

(vii) tunneling is the equivalent to the death of the original particle

(viii) only the maximum amount of energy is transferred

(ix) the energy gap is filled with sound or waves that carry the energy.

Ramakrishna explains: Quantum Tunneling

Although the incarnation is expressed as a human being, his association with the unexpressed remains uninterrupted, he says: “The incarnations are God. They are wandering in empty space. They are never bound in the world - they are not confined. Their ‘I’ is not a thick ‘I’, - like worldly people. The arrogance of the worldly people, the ‘I’ of the worldly people - like a wall around, a roof over the head, - nothing can be seen outside. The ‘I’ of the incarnations is the thin ‘I’.

God is always seen through this ‘I’. Like a man standing on one side of the wall, - Infinite field on both sides of the wall. If there is a hole on that wall, everything can be seen on the other side of the wall. Transmission in forward and reverse direction takes place through the big hole. The ‘I’ of the incarnations looks like a wall having many holes. Infinite field can be seen on this side of the wall; This means that even if they contain bodies, they are always entangled. Again, if desired, he goes to the side of the big hole and is in a state of meditation. Forward and reverse motion can be done again if the big hole is big; Even if he is meditating, he can come down again.”

Vortex state: It is simply a decoupling of a plane from space into 2 or more planes by creating imaginary space in-between. A vortex can be created by multiple reflections or retro-reflections. In this way a vortex field breaks the time reversed symmetry. It is always associated with an anti-vortex which is the dual of a vortex. A vortex separates charge from spin through creating a space at the core. In fact, it creates a funnel-like space which can be anisotropic. Initially the space was isotropic and spherical but the symmetry is broken twice; first along the core of the vortex and secondly normal to the initial split. Ultimately it is like splitting one tube into 2 and then each tube into 2 parts. These four parts maintain a ½ pi phase difference and they want to catch their neighbors or counterparts. It is like two snakes who like to bite their own tails. The process of creating and annihilating duality creates the spin.

One way is to pin the motion of a point and then the 2d motion gains an elevation. In a two-dimensional plane which is initially undisturbed vortices can be created by implementing disorder and localized states. This process works through the separation of spinless charge from a chargeless spinful system. Disorder can mix and separate charge and spin which correspond to electric and magnetic fields, respectively. Each will contribute to split the potential or phase. By the electric field a potential difference as described in Rashba spin-orbit coupling. I forgot to tell that a vortex consists of flux (orbital angular momentum) which are initially coupled to each other. The magnetic field creates a phase difference like in the Kondo effect. Kondo effect deals with a spin impurity center which is a fixed object (like the axle of wheels) which does not rotate which the conduction electrons try to rotate the Kondo spin through scattering. Kondo resonance described a pi phase change. Kondo creates a bound state which induces a spin-orbit coupling. Also disorder produces potential fluctuations that can produce a Rashba-like field. A combined effect of electric and magnetic field which split the order parameter or the gap and creates a double superposition of states. It will look like 4 split components forming orbitals which are separated with a phase difference of ½ pi. Also, they belong to different planes like a screw which has a helicity. This model can describe the rotation which passes through an apex allowing a pi phase transition into an anti-vortex state. Since one vortex-antivortex is not very stable, another antivortex-vortex is necessary. Coupling of these two vortex-antivortex units through a field line will make a stable structure. This is the basis of High Tc superconductivity.

Ramakrishna explains: Vortex state

"I told Keshab Sen that ... there are small holes in the ground; They are called Ghuti. Fish and crabs are frozen inside the cocoon. If you want to find fish and crabs, you have to look inside that box; To find God is to look inside the incarnation. “Jagatmata is manifested inside those fourteen-poop people. There are songs –

‘What did Shyama Ma call? How many colors are showing inside the Chauddapoya faucet. You stay inside the faucet holding the calduri, You don't know who's calling. "

“Why do you know Manushyalila? You can hear his words in it, his luxury in it, he tastes in it.”

“Avatar-lila with the help of odyssey. Avatar in His power – But Avatar does work. All is the power of the mother.

In the context of what kind of energy, the incarnation receives and why, Sri Sri Thakur says: "He is the one who left Vidyamaya - for the people - for the devotees."

On hearing this, one might say that Maya is the power of God, in God, but is he also enchanted like a living being? In reply Sri Sri Thakur explained:

“No, even if God is Maya, and Maya is always in God, God is never enchanted. Don't look at this - the one who is bitten by a snake dies; There is always venom in the mouth of the snake. The snake is always eating with its mouth, swallowing, but the snake itself does not die - that's it.

God cannot be realized if there is the slightest attachment to the things of the world. A thread cannot pass through the eye of a needle if the tiniest fibre sticks out.

Condensed matter: Spin liquid

Quantum spin liquid to vortex structure Spin-boson model (flux-spin duality)

A superfluid mixed with disorder can form a condensate hence can be described as a mixture of fluid, simply a two-fluid model. These to fluids are very different in terms of density and viscosity such as oil and water, where oil is initially suppressed by the heavier water through mixing and confinement. The oil layer as a bulk would like to come out from the depth on the surface by overcoming the resistance of water. So it breaks up itself into several droplets and possibly spin around its own body. Having reached the surface the droplets join together and form stable layer of oil floating on the water surface. Separation of 2 liquids of entire different properties is the key to transport. The oil drops behave like a vortex on the surface of the water. Water and oil might rotate in opposite directions like a Kondo effect and create an insulating phase. The water layer is surrounding the oil drops may also rotate in the same direction which can induce a high conducting phase like a superconductor. The picture is analogous to previous model of vortex core which is normal core in clean superconductors which is described as bound states in contact and intimate exchange with the environment outside the core. The core of a vortex contains normal electrons which suffer from coherent backscattering before they leave the core. However, from the Cooper pair the electrons and holes can form bound states which arises from the rotation of particles in opposite directions. Resistance is developed from this coherent backscattering process which is commonly observed in a disordered metal.

What is a quantum spin liquid: It is like a resonance valence bond state that likes to change direction of spin like domain walls of a magnetic material which has some duality or symmetry? At the beginning all spins were aligned in one direction in any magnetic material and forms a ground state as proposed by Heisenberg. However, if the alternating spins are aligned in two opposite directions then antiferromagnetic states can arise as proposed by Neel. The dualistic nature of the spin liquid, the symmetry is broken spontaneously. Although most may have one direction or no direction due to the absence of symmetry, dualistic nature can always be present at least locally to support the non-dualistic liquid. If the dualism overtakes the non-dualistic liquid, then a non-equilibrium is broken. How to regain the equilibrium by destroying the dualistic nature? A new rotational system or vortex should help in this regard which is nothing and creates a space or void with a resonating structure. It means that two opposite rotating particles or currents can be superposed in one void which can be developed with the resonating valence bond (RVB) as proposed by Phil Anderson in 1973. This idea was based on the resonantly single and double carbon-carbon bonds picture as proposed by Linus Pauling to explain the electronic structure of benzene rings. Anderson used the RVB model to explain the possible mechanism for superconductivity transition in high Tc cuprate superconductors having an AFM ground state. Later the excitations of the spin liquid were claimed as topological in nature which are loop-like (in addition to emergent point-like excitations. These quasiparticle excitations have non-local statistical interactions such as a charge moving around a magnetic flux and are called anions. However, spin liquids have multiple types like different types of magnetic order.

Ramakrishna explains: Condensed state

God appears in many forms and in many ways. He is virtuous again.

“He has a form and he is formless. How do you know? Like Sachchidananda Samudra. There are no shores. In Bhaktihim, the water of that sea becomes ice in places - as if water freezes in the shape of ice; In other words, he meets the devotees and sometimes gives them a physical form. When the sun of knowledge rises again, the ice melts into water; That water becomes formless vapor again.”

“In other words, after this judgment of ‘Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya’, the form of Samadhi flies away. Then God no longer feels like a person. What cannot be said in the mouth! Who says? Who says, he is not! He doesn't find his 'I'! Then Brahma is Absolute. Then he just felt the feeling. The mind and intellect cannot catch him. (Unknown, Unknowable).

“So say, Bhakti Chandra (moon); Wisdom is the Sun. I have heard that the sea is so cold in the far north and in the south that it sometimes freezes to ice. The ship does not move. Stuck there.

“Avatar-leela is the richness of these spirits. Whoever is Brahma, he is again Rama, Krishna, Shiva.”

"That same incarnation is like Krishna diving up here and becoming Jesus.”

No one can say with finality that God is only ‘this’ and nothing else. He is formless, and again He has forms. For the bhakta He assumes forms. But he is formless for Jnani.

Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, is like a shoreless ocean. In the ocean visible blocks of ice are formed here and there by intense cold. Similarly, under the cooling influence, so to speak, of the bhakti of Its worshippers, the infinite transforms Itself into the finite and appears before the worshipper as God with form. This is to say, God reveals Himself to His Bhaktas as an embodied Person. Again, as, on the rising sun, the ice in the ocean melts away, so on the awakening of Jnana, the embodied God melts back into the infinite and formless Brahman. Then one does not feel any more that God is a Person, nor does one see God’s forms. But mark this: form and formless belong to one and the same reality.

Ramakrishna explains: Phase transition

God has attributes; then again He has none. The nearer you come to God, the more you feel peace. Peace, peace, peace-supreme peace - supreme peace! The nearer you come to the Ganges, the more you feel its coolness. You will feel completely soothed when you plunge into the river.

The water and its bubble are one. The bubble has its birth in the water, floats on it, and ultimately is resolved into it. So also the individual ego (Jivatman) and the supreme Spirit (Pramatman) are one and the same. The difference is in degree; the one is dependent and the other independent.

“The thing is, he has to be loved. Must be desperate for him. That is the way you are; Believe it or not; - Believe it or not, God incarnates as a human being; - If he has affection. Then he will tell you how he is.”

“Everyone has his own pastime. As I said, the roof and the stairs. Ishwarlila, Deb-lila, Nara-lila, Jagat-lila. Incarnation in Narlila. How do you know Nara-lila? Like the water on the big roof is rushing through the pipe. That Sachchidananda, his power is coming through a method - through the tube. "

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Physics behind Sri Ramakrishna’s saying

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

Physics behind Sri Ramakrishna’s saying

In our life we begin from a confined or localized state and constantly look for liberation to attain a delocalized state. We all pass through three stages of confinement including attachment (which holds us stable), work (which induces us to a movement) and a strong attraction or repulsion (which creates resistance to the motion). All three stages are equally important for our stability as a combination of Sat-Chit-Ananda or Satchidananda. It creates a bound state like a vortex. By overcoming this bound state we reach an unbound or delocalized state. This is like a very quiet and blissful situation free from perturbation. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa explained this in the following text before modern science began.

Sri Ramakrishna was born in 1936 in a remote village and did not receive any formal training from school. In the same time period famous scientists including Lord Kelvin, Lord Raleigh, Ludwig Boltzmann and philosophers like Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, and Friedrich Nietzsche were born. James Clark Maxwell started publishing laws of electromagnetic fields showing the equivalence of electric and magnetic fields in 1860. In 1905, in his special theory of relativity Albert Einstein showed mass-energy equivalence. Quantum mechanics was developing in late ’20s and quantum tunneling was proposed in early ‘30s. Condensed m

atter physics started in ‘50s together with quantum theory of fields where dualism was introduced through the proposal of spontaneous symmetry breaking. However, dualism as well as non-dualism was accepted long before the development of modern science. Sri Ramakrishna often explained the equivalence of the source of energy and its effect and described the nature of God. I find a remarkable similarity between his sayings and the modern scientific concepts that was developed after his death in 1886 that is also followed today.

He says that one has to break the bonds at least twice so that this dissolution will be propagated like a chain reaction. The liberation is possible by a duality transformation which can be achieved through a mechanism called quantum tunneling. He explained the tunneling process as an observer through the superposition of states. Through the tunneling process we reach a macroscopic condensed state or a ground state from a localized or a vortex state.

This work is divided into three chapters highlighting

i) Understanding dualism and non-dualism to explain quantum tunneling

ii) Quantum spin liquid to vortex structure

iii) Condensed states.

In each section we bring a comparative study of ancient philosophy as Sri Ramakrishna said and modern concept in condensed matter physics. All these topics are entangled since dualism is believed to play as a force which transforms spin liquids into vortex structures. We try to unify these ideas as a general interpretation and show the application of the concept not only to interpret the newly experimentally observed transitions in novel superconducting materials.

Dualism and non-dualism:

According to ancient scriptures, initially all elements or states were entangled in a maximally chaotic state within a minimum volume. This is a state which can be completely filled and is absolutely static without any movement which is the core of a vortex. Due to entanglement, we cannot see different elements hidden in the small sphere which is called Bramhanda’. ‘‘Purusha’’ andMula Prakriti (Adyasakti or the primordial energy) are not manifested which live in the state of the highest level of energy and therefore can b

e massive. The outer layers with less energy may be manifested since they are always moving away from the core. We see light emitted from outer layers only unlike from the core of ‘Bramhanda’ unless it gets unfolded through a duality transformation. So we need to separate the energy or frequency scale by a duality transformation. In this way a static world can be transformed into a dynamic one.

Amongst all forms of dualism concepts used in physics, electric-magnetic duality is the most famous one where electric and magnetic fields(B) are related to the symmetry through the Faraday-Maxwell equations. The symmetry is known as duality which still holds in the presence of charge and currents in quantum field theory. To find such symmetry between electric and magnetic charges was difficult. Later Montonen and Olive found a symmetry that would exchange electric and magnetic charges must exchange the quantum of electric charge with a multiple of the quantum of magnetic charge.

Dualism theory can be tested through the experimental observation of quantum phase transitions in condensed states in superconducting materials which shows vortices. In condensed matter physics a flux-charge model is proposed from the dualistic view of the world like the particle-wave duality in quantum mechanics. Rotation of a charged particle can be described as a (magnetic) flux however it involves a mediator such as an attractive force to hold two completely opposite items together. However, the state of equilibrium can be destabilized due to a repulsive force and a vortex-like helical structure can be formed. The condensate again starts to regain the equilibrium through the formation of an anti-vortex.

This model was applied to condensed matter as vortex-boson duality. Vortex-antivortex interactions were shown through the Kosterlitz-Thoules transition in 1+1 dimensions however this is not firmly established in 3+1 or higher dimensions (2+1d is still being developed). It is generally suggested that a vortex interacts with an anti-vortex via a spin-wave fluctuation in a superfluid. The vortices act as sources and sinks of supercurrents and therefore supercurrents are no longer in the vortex condensate. Models claiming charge-vortex duality based on statistics Transmutation of electrons involving binding of electrons to magnetic fluxes or vortices was suggested in the frame of ‘anyon superconductivity. A formal duality transformation between particles and vortices forms a 2D Bose system might explain high-temperature superconductivity.

Ramakrishna explains: non-dualism

“According to this theory, Brahman or the Absolute, is qualified by the universe and its living beings. These three, Brahman, the world, and living beings, together constitute One. Take the instance of a pumpkin. A man wanted to know the weight of it. You cannot get the weight by weighing only the flesh. You must weigh the flesh, the shell, and the seeds together. At first, it appears the important thing is the flesh not its seeds or shell.”

“Brahman is not the Universe it is not the living beings … Then one realizes as with the pumpkin that the Reality from which we derive the notion of Brahman is the very Reality that evolves the idea of living beings and the universe. The absolute and manifestation are two aspects of one and the same Reality. Brahman is qualified by the universe and living beings. This is the theory of qualified non-dualism.”

“Without strength, only Shiva does not work. For example, there is no formation only in the soil, we want water but there is formation.”

"No one can say what (material) Sachchidananda is. So, he was the first - Ardhanarishvara! Why? - No, show that I am both male and nature. Then there will be one more stay, different men and different natures.”

“There is nothing but man and nature."

“He who is Shyama is Brahma. Brahma Shakti - Shakti Brahma. Unification. Sachchidanandamay and Sachchidanandamayi.”

“Whoever is Brahman is the omnipotent. A king said that I have to give wisdom in one word. The yogi said, ‘Well, you will get knowledge in one word.’ After a while, a magician suddenly appeared before the king. When he sees the king, he comes and turns only two fingers, and says - 'King, look at this.' The king is looking surprised. After a while, two fingers became a finger! The magician twists a finger and says - ‘King, look at this; King, look at this. ’That is, Brahman and Adyashakti (the primordial energy) are the first two senses. But if there is theology, there are no more two. Unification. One! That one doesn't have two! Advaitam."

Quantum Tunneling:

In tunnelling process mind is tunneling through the potential barrier (knowledge) and produces life. When a particle like the mind reaches the barrier it creates an antiparticle inside the barrier and they start interacting since on the other side of the barrier the same particle is formed as an image of the original particle. This particle and antiparticle interfere and produce an interference spectrum as observed in the tunnel spectra. This is like an inactive barrier of spinon on the condensate and the superfluid is supposed to overcome the resistance of the spinon by the field produced by the vortex. The body of spin bath is divided to pass through the tunnel current. In practice by applying a potential across the potential barrier (V) it is broken into V1V2V3… so that V=V1+V2+V3+V4 … As the current can pass through diff V1V2 etc. they unite on the other side of the barrier and recombine. So the incident wavefunction of the total potential barrier is divided in the process. Now the wave can change its phase in the barrier. This is like a flip of spin or self-spin.

Mechanism or principle of tunneling includes:

(i) no return of particle

(ii) the particle can cease to exist if the tunneling does not work

(iii) the particle does not hesitate to tunnel. It is free from fear.

(iv) it can face uncertainty

(v) it makes the maximum effort before jumping

(vi) the probability of success must be maximize i.e. it will take a minimum time to tunnel

(vii) tunneling is the equivalent to the death of the original particle

(viii) only the maximum amount of energy is transferred

(ix) the energy gap is filled with sound or waves that carry the energy.

Ramakrishna explains: Quantum Tunneling

Although the incarnation is expressed as a human being, his association with the unexpressed remains uninterrupted, he says: “The incarnations are God. They are wandering in empty space. They are never bound in the world - they are not confined. Their ‘I’ is not a thick ‘I’, - like worldly people. The arrogance of the worldly people, the ‘I’ of the worldly people - like a wall around, a roof over the head, - nothing can be seen outside. The ‘I’ of the incarnations is the thin ‘I’.

God is always seen through this ‘I’. Like a man standing on one side of the wall, - Infinite field on both sides of the wall. If there is a hole on that wall, everything can be seen on the other side of the wall. Transmission in forward and reverse direction takes place through the big hole. The ‘I’ of the incarnations looks like a wall having many holes. Infinite field can be seen on this side of the wall; This means that even if they contain bodies, they are always entangled. Again, if desired, he goes to the side of the big hole and is in a state of meditation. Forward and reverse motion can be done again if the big hole is big; Even if he is meditating, he can come down again.”

Vortex state: It is simply a decoupling of a plane from space into 2 or more planes by creating imaginary space in-between. A vortex can be created by multiple reflections or retro-reflections. In this way a vortex field breaks the time reversed symmetry. It is always associated with an anti-vortex which is the dual of a vortex. A vortex separates charge from spin through creating a space at the core. In fact, it creates a funnel-like space which can be anisotropic. Initially the space was isotropic and spherical but the symmetry is broken twice; first along the core of the vortex and secondly normal to the initial split. Ultimately it is like splitting one tube into 2 and then each tube into 2 parts. These four parts maintain a ½ pi phase difference and they want to catch their neighbors or counterparts. It is like two snakes who like to bite their own tails. The process of creating and annihilating duality creates the spin.

One way is to pin the motion of a point and then the 2d motion gains an elevation. In a two-dimensional plane which is initially undisturbed vortices can be created by implementing disorder and localized states. This process works through the separation of spinless charge from a chargeless spinful system. Disorder can mix and separate charge and spin which correspond to electric and magnetic fields, respectively. Each will contribute to split the potential or phase. By the electric field a potential difference as described in Rashba spin-orbit coupling. I forgot to tell that a vortex consists of flux (orbital angular momentum) which are initially coupled to each other. The magnetic field creates a phase difference like in the Kondo effect. Kondo effect deals with a spin impurity center which is a fixed object (like the axle of wheels) which does not rotate which the conduction electrons try to rotate the Kondo spin through scattering. Kondo resonance described a pi phase change. Kondo creates a bound state which induces a spin-orbit coupling. Also disorder produces potential fluctuations that can produce a Rashba-like field. A combined effect of electric and magnetic field which split the order parameter or the gap and creates a double superposition of states. It will look like 4 split components forming orbitals which are separated with a phase difference of ½ pi. Also, they belong to different planes like a screw which has a helicity. This model can describe the rotation which passes through an apex allowing a pi phase transition into an anti-vortex state. Since one vortex-antivortex is not very stable, another antivortex-vortex is necessary. Coupling of these two vortex-antivortex units through a field line will make a stable structure. This is the basis of High Tc superconductivity.

Ramakrishna explains: Vortex state

"I told Keshab Sen that ... there are small holes in the ground; They are called Ghuti. Fish and crabs are frozen inside the cocoon. If you want to find fish and crabs, you have to look inside that box; To find God is to look inside the incarnation. “Jagatmata is manifested inside those fourteen-poop people. There are songs –

‘What did Shyama Ma call? How many colors are showing inside the Chauddapoya faucet. You stay inside the faucet holding the calduri, You don't know who's calling. "

“Why do you know Manushyalila? You can hear his words in it, his luxury in it, he tastes in it.”

“Avatar-lila with the help of odyssey. Avatar in His power – But Avatar does work. All is the power of the mother.

In the context of what kind of energy, the incarnation receives and why, Sri Sri Thakur says: "He is the one who left Vidyamaya - for the people - for the devotees."

On hearing this, one might say that Maya is the power of God, in God, but is he also enchanted like a living being? In reply Sri Sri Thakur explained:

“No, even if God is Maya, and Maya is always in God, God is never enchanted. Don't look at this - the one who is bitten by a snake dies; There is always venom in the mouth of the snake. The snake is always eating with its mouth, swallowing, but the snake itself does not die - that's it.

God cannot be realized if there is the slightest attachment to the things of the world. A thread cannot pass through the eye of a needle if the tiniest fibre sticks out.

Condensed matter: Spin liquid

Quantum spin liquid to vortex structure Spin-boson model (flux-spin duality)

A superfluid mixed with disorder can form a condensate hence can be described as a mixture of fluid, simply a two-fluid model. These to fluids are very different in terms of density and viscosity such as oil and water, where oil is initially suppressed by the heavier water through mixing and confinement. The oil layer as a bulk would like to come out from the depth on the surface by overcoming the resistance of water. So it breaks up itself into several droplets and possibly spin around its own body. Having reached the surface the droplets join together and form stable layer of oil floating on the water surface. Separation of 2 liquids of entire different properties is the key to transport. The oil drops behave like a vortex on the surface of the water. Water and oil might rotate in opposite directions like a Kondo effect and create an insulating phase. The water layer is surrounding the oil drops may also rotate in the same direction which can induce a high conducting phase like a superconductor. The picture is analogous to previous model of vortex core which is normal core in clean superconductors which is described as bound states in contact and intimate exchange with the environment outside the core. The core of a vortex contains normal electrons which suffer from coherent backscattering before they leave the core. However, from the Cooper pair the electrons and holes can form bound states which arises from the rotation of particles in opposite directions. Resistance is developed from this coherent backscattering process which is commonly observed in a disordered metal.

What is a quantum spin liquid: It is like a resonance valence bond state that likes to change direction of spin like domain walls of a magnetic material which has some duality or symmetry? At the beginning all spins were aligned in one direction in any magnetic material and forms a ground state as proposed by Heisenberg. However, if the alternating spins are aligned in two opposite directions then antiferromagnetic states can arise as proposed by Neel. The dualistic nature of the spin liquid, the symmetry is broken spontaneously. Although most may have one direction or no direction due to the absence of symmetry, dualistic nature can always be present at least locally to support the non-dualistic liquid. If the dualism overtakes the non-dualistic liquid, then a non-equilibrium is broken. How to regain the equilibrium by destroying the dualistic nature? A new rotational system or vortex should help in this regard which is nothing and creates a space or void with a resonating structure. It means that two opposite rotating particles or currents can be superposed in one void which can be developed with the resonating valence bond (RVB) as proposed by Phil Anderson in 1973. This idea was based on the resonantly single and double carbon-carbon bonds picture as proposed by Linus Pauling to explain the electronic structure of benzene rings. Anderson used the RVB model to explain the possible mechanism for superconductivity transition in high Tc cuprate superconductors having an AFM ground state. Later the excitations of the spin liquid were claimed as topological in nature which are loop-like (in addition to emergent point-like excitations. These quasiparticle excitations have non-local statistical interactions such as a charge moving around a magnetic flux and are called anions. However, spin liquids have multiple types like different types of magnetic order.

Ramakrishna explains: Condensed state

God appears in many forms and in many ways. He is virtuous again.

“He has a form and he is formless. How do you know? Like Sachchidananda Samudra. There are no shores. In Bhaktihim, the water of that sea becomes ice in places - as if water freezes in the shape of ice; In other words, he meets the devotees and sometimes gives them a physical form. When the sun of knowledge rises again, the ice melts into water; That water becomes formless vapor again.”

“In other words, after this judgment of ‘Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya’, the form of Samadhi flies away. Then God no longer feels like a person. What cannot be said in the mouth! Who says? Who says, he is not! He doesn't find his 'I'! Then Brahma is Absolute. Then he just felt the feeling. The mind and intellect cannot catch him. (Unknown, Unknowable).

“So say, Bhakti Chandra (moon); Wisdom is the Sun. I have heard that the sea is so cold in the far north and in the south that it sometimes freezes to ice. The ship does not move. Stuck there.

“Avatar-leela is the richness of these spirits. Whoever is Brahma, he is again Rama, Krishna, Shiva.”

"That same incarnation is like Krishna diving up here and becoming Jesus.”

No one can say with finality that God is only ‘this’ and nothing else. He is formless, and again He has forms. For the bhakta He assumes forms. But he is formless for Jnani.

Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, is like a shoreless ocean. In the ocean visible blocks of ice are formed here and there by intense cold. Similarly, under the cooling influence, so to speak, of the bhakti of Its worshippers, the infinite transforms Itself into the finite and appears before the worshipper as God with form. This is to say, God reveals Himself to His Bhaktas as an embodied Person. Again, as, on the rising sun, the ice in the ocean melts away, so on the awakening of Jnana, the embodied God melts back into the infinite and formless Brahman. Then one does not feel any more that God is a Person, nor does one see God’s forms. But mark this: form and formless belong to one and the same reality.

Ramakrishna explains: Phase transition

God has attributes; then again He has none. The nearer you come to God, the more you feel peace. Peace, peace, peace-supreme peace - supreme peace! The nearer you come to the Ganges, the more you feel its coolness. You will feel completely soothed when you plunge into the river.

The water and its bubble are one. The bubble has its birth in the water, floats on it, and ultimately is resolved into it. So also the individual ego (Jivatman) and the supreme Spirit (Pramatman) are one and the same. The difference is in degree; the one is dependent and the other independent.

“The thing is, he has to be loved. Must be desperate for him. That is the way you are; Believe it or not; - Believe it or not, God incarnates as a human being; - If he has affection. Then he will tell you how he is.”

“Everyone has his own pastime. As I said, the roof and the stairs. Ishwarlila, Deb-lila, Nara-lila, Jagat-lila. Incarnation in Narlila. How do you know Nara-lila? Like the water on the big roof is rushing through the pipe. That Sachchidananda, his power is coming through a method - through the tube. "

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