The truth behind the scientific research, by Danish scientist Neils Bohr demonstrates that molecules are made up of atoms, consisting of Proton, Neutron, and Electron – all of which play a vital part in the composition of ‘Shiva Lingam’. Shiva Lingam represents the atomic structure. According to the rishis; Shiva and Vishnu are present in the Lingam. In Sanskrit, the three lines signify ‘multiple’. In the atomic structure, there are Protons and Neutrons, which are surrounded by the first spinning Electrons.
Lord Shiva is known as Mahadeva due to the instinct characteristics which He represents. The form in which Lord Shiva is represented is called a ‘Linga’. Infact, Lord Shiva is the fundamental god. He is known as ‘Prajapati Shiva’. There is no origin or form which can be associated with Lord Shiva. Human being need symbol to worship, so the linga was created – ‘Linga’ means symbol. A linga is only a symbol to identify something. Thus, the symbol, that we call Shiva Linga has scientific explanations behind it. The beginning of life is called ‘Hiranyagarbha’. This is the thread or formula of life which is complete in itself and reproduces itself without any organ. It multiplies itself from 1 to 2 then from 2 to 4 and so on. It is the basic culture of any form of life. It can be compared to DNA which contains the genetic code. It is indestructible, reproduces itself and contains the specifications of any generation. So, how did our ancestors explain DNA? – The structure of DNA as we know was first described by the scientists in 1953. Nobody had imagined this type of structure. It is also difficult to explain the structure of DNA to any common man. Now, we can see the 3D structures with the moments on TV. Before that, it was imagined as a set of two spiral interwined staircases. Rishis of ancient times, saw these structures through their meditation and explained it in the same way as explained upon DNA by the modern science. It was concluded that DNA was helical, produced itself and according to our scriptures, it was first originated from Lord Shiva. The rishis imagined that ‘Prajapati’ must have created a mound first. You have to make a mound before creating anything – for example, a clay mound for a statue and a
store mound for a sculpture. Our rishis had imagined this round mound, where
the Shiva Linga was wrapped with a snake, which might model DNA. To describe
the more complex DNA, a pair of snakes wrapped around each other can be
visualized to represent a double helix, as explained by the rishis of ancient times.
The rishis also said that it was the base structure and the entire nature began
with it – this was determined by our rishis to be fundamental and elemental
point with which any life-form could being.
In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is considered as the Supreme Truth. There is another
scientific truth that water poured down on the Lingam is not considered as holy
water or ‘Teertham’ as it is called. Shiva lingam is considered to be an atomic
model. There is radiation from lingam as it is made out of a type of a granite
stone. During old times, people used to believe that milk turns into venom on
the onset of monsoon. So, they offer that milk to Shiva Linga. Infact, they
themselves used to condemn the consumption of milk completely, so that they
can protect themselves from diseases.
Modern science corroborates the findings of our scriptures that DNA is like
thread and is so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eyes – it reproduces
itself by multiplying and cannot be destroyed. An object can be destroyed but
its DNA will exist in one form or another. The properties suggested for DNA by
modern science had also been suggested in our scripture. So the Shiva Linga is
not just a mere symbol. Rishis wanted to give a message to the masses that you
can see the smallest form of nature in the form of a Shiva Linga. The Shiva Linga
also represents the atomic structure. According to the Rishis, Shiva and Vishnu
are present in the Lingam. In the atomic structure, there are protons and
neutrons, which are surrounded by fast spinning electrons. ‘Sakti’ is represented
by a disc in oval shape with three ridges carved at its periphery. When the Shiva
Linga was created, it was imagined that there was one ‘Hari’ and one ‘Har’ in the
linga. ‘Har’ is Lord Shiva and ‘Hari’ is Lord Vishnu – thus, Shiva and Vishnu are
present in the Linga. Jalahari has three lines because ‘three’ signifies multiple in
Sanskrit. In our atomic structure, there are protons and neutrons which are
surrounded by the fast spinning electrons. Rishis imagined that this linga has
‘Har’ (neutron) and ‘Hari’ (proton) inside and ‘Brahma’ (electron) spins around
them in the form of Jalahari. ‘Brahma’ is tied with ‘Hari’ by a thread through his
navel and cannot go too far. He is attached with Hari, after creating nature and
looks after nature. ‘Har’ (Shiva) is unattached and in meditation in the
Himalayas. Lord Shiva becomes the destroyer when necessary. Everything in this
universe is created by protons and electrons. Electrons play the major role. A
change in the number of electrons changes the dimensions and properties.
Brahma is similar in nature. Har (Shiva) is neutral and is sitting in the nucleus
with all the energy. Energy is released by breaking the nucleus, also known by
our modern science as atomic fission. According to our rishis, Lord Shiva has the
energy within himself as long as Shiva is in meditation. Once we make Shiva
angry, which can be compared to break the nucleus - the energy is released in
the form of Devi Durga. This energy is indeed the atomic energy as explained in
the modern science. The force of Shiva, which we call Rudrani is always with
him. It is described in Mahabharata by Maharshi Vashistha, that he saw this
Rudrani. He saw a huge black shadow dancing in the sky around Lord Shiva, who
blinded His eyes. It was so powerful and huge that He could not see the
beginning or end and even after running with His mind till the end of time. There
is a colossal energy, constantly dancing around Lord Shiva. This dance can be
compared with electrons, spinning and revolving around the nucleus. If a
neutron is separated from its nucleus, a destructive force is released, just like if
this surrounding energy is separated from Lord Shiva. If Lord Shiva desires, He
can release this energy.
Nuclear reactors resemble Shiva Linga in the shape like a mound and all the
radioactive particles are constantly kept under water. The hard water and the
soft water are formed there. This water becomes radioactive. Water is
constantly sprinkled on the Shiva Linga to control the temper of Lord Shiva,
reflecting a nuclear reactor. In terms of modern science, it is supposed to
represent the nuclear reactor. This water from the Shiva Linga is not used as
prasad or even as the holy water. This could be compared to the water, used for
cooling the nuclear reactors, which is also not used for any other purposes. This
water from Shiva Linga flows freely from the jalahari, in a stream from the corner
of a linga. One cannot go around the Shiva Linga, as it is beyond the human being
to really go around or comprehend this tremendous power. This also shows the
humans their limitations, within which we need to live. Looking at the pictures
of nebulae or galaxies, we can see the mound which is called the Shiva Linga and
the Jalahari around it. In reality, these are the pictures, taken from space, where
a clear view of Shiva Linga is described in the scriptures. Lord Shiva is referred
as ‘Bhole’, meaning simple and can be pleased by little worship. Once Lord Shiva
is happy, He can give blessings without thinking of the worshipper’s worthiness.
Still one must follow the right path for if anyone is on a wrong path even by
mistake. Lord Shiva can be pleased very easily and at the same time Lord Shiva
is enormously powerful. One should worship Lord Shiva only after
understanding His great power. One who has power, can pass it on to others
and anyone can receive it. It is critical to understand the colossal power of Lord
Lord Shiva cannot create the world without shakti. Without shakti, Lord Shiva
starves. Later in Tantras, we are told that matter came first as the goddess; and
from her name the mind, taking three male forms – ‘Brahma’ (the priest),
‘Vishnu’ (the king), ‘Maheshwara’ (the ascetic). Brahma sought the control of
the Goddess and was beheaded. As explained by Sri Sen Prabhu, Hinduism has
several gods revered in couple. Shiva and Shakti are the most revered of them
because with just these two words the yogis have defined every single thing
around us. The story of Shiva and Shakti is the theory of ‘Big Bang’, being
personified. Before the universe was created, it was believed that there was just
darkness. That darkness pervaded everywhere. It was the raw energy, an energy
with its own consciousness – hence it is called the ‘cosmic intelligence’. The
culture named it as ‘Shakti’. Though the Shakti was all pervading, but it was
uncontrolled. Thus, nothing formed out of it and the energy remained raw
throughout. Within that play of Shakti, a point came when there was a supersaturation
of the energy, leading to massive explosion – which is identified as
‘Big Bang’ in modern science. The yogis explained at the very moment of the
massive bang the ‘Shakti’ (the single conscious energy) manifested into two. One
part is the consciousness and the other is the matter. Even the matter (the nonliving
elements) all came out from the same energy. In this way, uncontrolled
Shakti, manifested into different creations due to the presence of that control,
of which the yogis named as ‘Shiva’. This is why in the Indian culture, they are
revered as a couple because without Shakti, the control (Shiva) is of no
significance and without Shiva, the uncontrolled Shakti cannot be manifested
into anything. This could be understood with an example. Today, we see a
thousand electrical appliances that are useful to us. They all use the same
electricity. But does the raw electricity is of any use to us? – No, only when the
raw electric energy (Shakti) is controlled (Shiva), we get the amazing creations
that we can use. This concept of Shiva and Shakti is applicable to every aspect
of this universe. Thus, Shiva and Shakti are not any individuals or the superhumans
as we like to imagine. Through this story, the two greatest principles of
science are being explained. The story, the science, the culture, the religion and
the spirituality – all are going hand in hand.
When we say “Shiva” – there are two fundamental aspects that we are referring
to. The word Shiva means literally ‘that which are not’. Today modern science is
proving that ‘everything’ comes from ‘nothing’. The basis of existence and the
fundamental quality of the cosmos is vast nothingness. The galaxies are just a
small happening – a sprinkling. The rest is all vast empty space, which is referred
to as Shiva. That is the womb from which everything is born and that is the
oblivion into which everything is sucked back. Everything comes from Shiva and
goes back to Shiva. So, Lord Shiva is described as a non-being, not as a being.
Shiva is not described as light, but as darkness. Humanity has gone about
eulogizing light only because of the nature of the visual apparatus that they
carry. Otherwise the only thing that is obvious is the darkness. Light is the limited
happening in the sense that any source of light – whether a light bulb or the sun
– will eventually lose its ability to give out light. Light is not eternal. It is always
a limited possibility because it happens and it ends. Darkness is a much bigger
possibility than light. Nothing needs to burn, it is always – it is eternal. Darkness
is everywhere. It is the only thing that is all-pervading. On another level, when
we say “Shiva”, we are referring to a certain yogi – the Adiyogi or the first yogi
and also the Adiguru or the first guru, who is the basis of what we know as the
yogic science today. Yoga does not mean standing on your head or holding your
breath. Yoga is the science and technology to know about the essential nature
and of how this life is created and how it can be taken to its ultimate possibility.
Western scientists have taken a liking to Lord Shiva. Nataraj is the ‘life force’ and
it is interesting to note that there stands a 2 metre statue of Lord Shiva at CERN
of Switzerland, which is one of the premiere research institutes of the world that
holds the Large Hadron Collider. The statue was unveiled on June 18, 2004 and
was a gift from the Government of India. Next to it stands a plaque by Fritj of
Capra : “Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing
Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most
advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor
of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art and modern
physics. The statue captures Lord Shiva performing the Tandava, which goes
from creation to destruction. ‘Srishti’ meaning creation and evolution, ‘Sthiti’
meaning preservation and support, ‘Samhara’ meaning destruction or evolution,
‘Tirobhava’ meaning illusion and ‘Anugraha’ meaning release, emancipation and
grace. Frit of Capra is one of the foremost proponents of the link between
‘Eastern Philosophy’ and ‘Science’. According to ‘The Tao of Physics’, the dance
of Shiva symbolises the basis of all existence. At the same time, Lord Shiva
reminds us that the manifold forms in the world are not fundamental but illusory
and ever-changing. Modern Physics had shown that the rhythm of creation and
destruction is not only manifested in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and
death of all living creatures, but is also the very essence of the inorganic matter.”
According to Quantum Field Theory, the dance of creation and destruction is the
basis of the very existence of matter. Modern Physics has thus revealed that
every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but itself is an
energy dance – a pulsating process of creation and destruction. For the modern
physicists, Lord Shiva’s dance is the dance of all subatomic matter, the basis of
all existence and of all natural phenomena. Scientist Aidan Randle Conde from
Belgium noted in a blog during his stay at CERN , “The Dancing Shiva represents
the changes in the universe around us as the matter and energy constantly bump
into each other, create and destroy systems and keep renewing the world. The
cosmic dance is the interaction of matter and antimatter.”
[Thanks to ‘Speaking tree’ and ‘Free Press Journal’, studying which I have
collected the information regarding - Scientific Analysis of the concept of Lord